[ Index ]


Note: Use this applet to control what is shown in the frame to the right.

Here is how the HTML-code for this example looks:

<APPLET CODE=embe.ticker.ScheduleTicker ARCHIVE="embe/ticker.zip" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=50>
<PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="embe/ticker.cab">
<PARAM NAME="Datafile" VALUE="data/frame1.txt">
<PARAM NAME="ImageSize" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="TextDelay" VALUE=4000>
<PARAM NAME="FontName" VALUE="Helvetica">
<PARAM NAME="FontStyle" VALUE="Italic">
<PARAM NAME="FontSize" VALUE=14>
<PARAM NAME="TextTarget" VALUE="mainFrame">

And here is the data file used in this example.